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Products   >   Software   >   Linux Development Kits

Supports most of Diamond Systems' Single Board Computers
Based on 2.6.23 Kernel or higher, or Ubuntu 10.04
CD-ROM with back-up Linux image and documentation
Flashdisk with bootable Linux image
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Linux Development Kits

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For Select Diamond Systems' Single Board Computers

Kit Contents
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Pre-configured Linux with all the device drivers for target SBC ready to boot and run
Lightweight, rugged, low-cost flashdisk storage
Quick start– just install flashdisk and boot
2.6.23 kernel or higher
File system with Grub bootloader

Available Development Kits Description
SDK-ATHM-LNX Athena II Linux 2.6.23 Software Development Kit
SDK-AUR-LNX Aurora Ubuntu 10.04 Software Development Kit
SDK-HLV-LNX Helios Linux 2.6.23 Software Development Kit
SDK-HRC-LNX Hercules II Linux 2.6.23 Software Development Kit
SDK-NPT-LNX Neptune Linux 2.6.23 Software Development Kit
SDK-RDS-LNX Rhodeus Linux 2.6.23 Software Development Kit

CD-ROM with Linux image and development tools

Flashdisk Module with Linux image pre-installed


Diamond Systems' Linux Software Development Kits offer you a pre-built and ready-to-use "Flash Linux" image. The Linux image is designed specifically to run on a solid-state IDE flashdisk on a specific Diamond Systems' SBC. Each SBC has a unique Linux image with its own part number. It enables you to build a completely solid-state Linux-powered embedded computer that boots quickly with all the device drivers pre-configured and ready to use.

Our Linux images are based on the version 2.6.23 (or higher) Linux kernel. They incorporate several features that make it ideal for use with our single board computers (SBC). Each supported SBC has its own development kit which is designed to work seamlessly with the embedded computer and its hardware components.

Each Linux image includes drivers for:

  • Ethernet, USB and RS-232 serial ports. All the drivers are pre-configured and installed on boot up
  • PS/2 Mouse and Keyboard
  • Serial Ports (pre-configured to work with the target SBC)
  • IDE storage devices
  • Ethernet support with local-area network installed
  • Univeral Driver 6.0x for data acquisition with demo programs for analog and digital I/O
  • The image is available both as a binary image that can be loaded onto a flashdisk module, or a pre-loaded flashdisk, that you can install on your SBC board and power on for immediate operation.

    Linux Specifications:

  • Grub version 0.97 boot-loader
  • 2.6.23 Kernel based image
  • Root file system
  • GCC version 3.2.3
  • BusyBox version 1.10.4
  • Text-only interface
  • Included in the Development Kit is a CD with a binary image of the flashdisk files that you may copy freely onto your own flashdisks, as well as the full source code of the kernel and the root file system for you to build your own image using the same environment.

    Kit Contents

    Each Linux Software Development Kit includes:

  • A Linux 2.6.23 Software Development Kit CD for the target single board computer
  • A flashdisk with a bootable Linux image for the target single board computer
  • An Installation Guide with easy-to-follow instructions to get started
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    Linux Development Kits
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