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SATURN  Rugged Apollo Lake x7-E3950 SBC with Data Acquisition and PCIe/104 Expansion
   2 in 1    OneBank
Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104
Saturn rugged SBC with x7-E3950 CPU and data acquisition
Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104
Saturn features (top side)
Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104
Edge view showing heat spreader and latching connectors
SBC features:
Designed for rugged applications with intensive I/O requirements
Intel "Apollo Lake" x7-E3950 1.6GHz quad-core processor
4GB non-ECC / 8GB ECC RAM soldered down
2 gigabit Ethernet ports
2 HDMI ports
Dual-channel 24-bit LVDS with backlight power
2 USB 3.0 ports with USB 2.0 downward compatibility
2 dedicated USB 2.0 ports
2 RS-232/422/485 + 1 RS-232 serial ports
HDA audio (ALC662)
SATA 7-pin connector
TPM 2.0 chip on board
On-board RTC backup battery with external battery connector
PCIe/104 OneBank I/O expansion connector with 4 PCIe x1 and 2 USB 2.0 connections
M.2 2242 SATA socket supports up to 1TB flashdisk
Bottom-mounted heat spreader for efficient cooling and convenient mounting
5VDC input voltage
4.5 x 4.0" / 114 x 102mm W x H
-40/+85°C operation fanless
Windows 10 64-bit and Ubuntu Linux 64-bit OS support
Data acquisition subsystem features:
16 single-ended / 8 differential analog inputs
16-bit A/D resolution
Unipolar and bipolar analog inputs
Single-ended and differential input configuration
Programmable gain 1/2/4/8 providing input ranges +/-10V / 0-10V down to +/- 1.25V / 0-1.25V
250KHz maximum A/D sample rate, single-channel and multi-channel mode
Internal clock / external clock / software A/D triggering
Single-channel and multi-channel-scan A/D operation
Interrupts with FIFO to support reliable high-speed sampling
4 16-bit single-ended analog outputs
+/-10V, +/-5V, 0-10V and 0-5V output ranges
Autocalibration with Universal Driver software maintains accuracy over time and temperature
24 digital I/O, 3.3V logic / 5V tolerant inputs
8 32-bit counter/timers for A/D timing and general counting purposes
8 24-bit PWM outputs


SATURN combines a feature-rich Atom-class processor-based SBC with a professional-quality industrial analog and digital data acquisition subsystem and flexible I/O expansion in a single board designed for rugged applications.

Available models:

ModelRAMData Acquisition
SAT-E3950-4GA4GB non-ECCAnalog + digital I/O
SAT-E3950-4GD4GB non-ECCDigital I/O
SAT-E3950-8GEA8GB ECCAnalog + digital I/O
SAT-E3950-8GED8GB ECCDigital I/O

Development kits

The Saturn development kit is strongly recommended for your first purchase to support quick project startup. Each kit includes the Saturn SBC, a cable kit, and a programmed 64GB flashdisk with a read-to-run installation of Windows 10 or Linux operating system, plus a backup USB memory device. Simply install the flashdisk, attach the cables, add your keyboard, mouse, and display, and connect power, and the board will boot into a fully functional OS.

The backup USB device can be used to make multiple copies of the operating system on additional flashdisks. Configuration files and instructions are provided to rebuild the OS with your application. The Linux kit includes all the tools needed to rebuild the OS. The Windows 10 kit includes a single-device runtime license.

Cable Kit

The Saturn cable kit includes all I/O cables needed for all I/O connectors on Saturn except the LCD data and backlight cables, which are customized for each individual application. Cables are normally sold as complete kits. Individual cables may be available in some cases or may be ordered with minimum order quantities; contact us for availability. Detailed drawings listing all components are provided to enable customers to build their own cables.

Saturn Cable Kit

CK-SAT-01 includes the following cables:

No. Qty Cable Description Drawing
1 1 6980512 Power input cable, discrete wires Show
2 1 6980524 External battery cable, discrete wires Show
3 1 6980601 Dual serial port cable, 2x DB9 male Show
4 1 6980602 Dual USB 2.0 cable, 2x USB 2.0 type A Show
5 2 6980603 Cable, FCI 2x5 2mm latching to USB 3.0 type A panel mount Show
6 2 6980604 Ethernet cable, FCI 2mm 2x6 latching to RJ-45 socket Show
7 2 6980605 HDMI Cable Show
8 1 6980608 Audio cable, 3x 3.5mm jacks Show
9 1 6989101 SATA Cable, 7-Pin Data, Straight to Right Angle, 500mm Show
10 1 6980517 Digital I/O cable, DB37F connector Show
11 1 6980518 Analog I/O cable, DB37F connector Show
12 2 6980609 FCI latching 2x5 2mm to IC 2x5 2mm, 12" Show

Mass storage

Saturn offers two options for mass storage:


Block Diagram

Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104


Saturn was designed from the ground up with a comprehensive set of features to meet the challenges of rugged environments and applications:

Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104


Saturn is a member of Diamond's 2-in-1 series of SBCs with integrated data acquisition. For applications requiring precision analog I/O, a 2-in-1 SBC is an ideal choice because it reduces the number of boards in the system, resulting in a system that is smaller, lighter, lower cost, and easier to assemble and maintain. The features of the Saturn DAQ circuit surpass those found on most other embedded SBCs in both variety and quality, providing a comprehensive, professional quality subsystem backed with top of the line software support. "A" models include the full DAQ circuit with both analog and digital I/O features, while "D" models include only the digital I/O features.

Saturn's data acquisition circuit features autocalibration, which maintains best accuracy of the A/D and D/A circuits regardless of time and temperature swings. Using the supplied Universal Driver software library, the circuit can be quickly calibrated to within +/-2LSB accuracy at any time, relative to the on-board precision reference voltage circuit.


Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104

The A/D circuit includes 16 single-ended / 8 differential analog input channels with programmable input ranges and a maximum aggregate sampling rate of 250KHz. A built-in programmable counter/timer supports accurate high-speed sampling with precise timing. The 2048-sample FIFO with programmable threshold ensures error-free sampling and enables you to tune the performance of the circuit to minimize interrupt processing overhead.

The D/A circuit consists of 4 16-bit D/A voltage outputs with independently programmable output ranges including 0-10V, +/-10V, 0-5V, and +/-5V. A 2048-sample waveform buffer is included to support arbitrary waveform generator functions on up to 4 channels simultaneously.

The digital I/O circuit consists of GPIO, counter/timers, and pulse-width modulators. The GPIO circuit provides 22 buffered digital I/O lines, consisting of one 8-bit port and 14 1-bit ports. Each port is individually programmable for input or output. The 1-bit direction controllable ports provide better matching of input and output quantities to each application. Jumper configuration enables selection of 5V/3.3V logic levels and pull-up or pull-down resistors on the digital I/O lines.

The 8 32-bit programmable counter/timers feature both up and down counting with clocking selectable from an external digital signal or the on-board 50MHz clock. Counters can be used for generating programmable output frequencies with programmable output pulse widths, counting external events, generating interrupts to the host processor at a programmable rate, and driving A/D sampling at precise frequencies with perfect timing between samples.

The circuit further includes 4 24-bit programmable pulse width modulators also driven by the on-board 50MHz clock. These feature programmable rate, duty cycle, and polarity, with real-time rate and duty cycle update capability.

Software Support

Diamond Systems' Universal Driver software provides unmatched power and flexibility for embedded data acquisition programming with PC/104 and small form factor I/O boards. It provides flexible C-language programming support for Windows and Linux to control all data acquisition features on Saturn, as well as Diamond's MiniCard data acquisition modules that can be used with Saturn.

A powerful and convenient graphical control panel provides instant, easy access to all data acquisition features on the board. It can be used for proof of concept, testing, and even system debugging.

Visit our "Universal Driver software" page to learn more.

Saturn: Processor Modules, Rugged, wide-temperature SBCs in PC/104, PC/104-<i>Plus</i>, EPIC, EBX, and other compact form-factors., PCIe/104


Saturn provides two sockets for the installation of I/O expansion modules:

What is PCIe/104 OneBank™?

OneBank's is the name given to the PCIe/104 standard that utilizes a more compact, cost effective connector to support rugged, high-speed I/O expansion. The original PCIe/104 connector features 3 "banks" of contacts. The 2nd and 3rd banks contain PCIe x8 / x16 signals that are not supported on Atom processors nor used by most I/O expansion modules. By eliminating these signals, a smaller and more cost effective connector can be used to provide compatibility with any PCIe/104 I/O module that uses a PCIe x1 or USB host connection, while freeing up precious PCB space for additional I/O or connectors. OneBank is an official expansion connector supported by the PC/104 Consortium (of which Diamond Systems was a founding member). Click here to learn more about OneBank. Click here to learn more about PCIe/104.

Models and Accessories

Available Models:
Saturn SBC, E3950 CPU, 4GB RAM, With Data Acquisition
Saturn SBC, E3950 CPU, 4GB RAM, With DIO
Saturn SBC, E3950 CPU, 8GB ECC RAM, With Data Acquisition
Saturn SBC, E3950 CPU, 8GB ECC RAM, With DIO
Development Kit, Saturn SBC, E3950 CPU, With DAQ, Linux 64-Bit BSP
Development Kit, Saturn SBC, E3950 CPU, With DAQ, Windows 10 64-Bit BSP
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Cables and accessories
Available Models:
CK-SAT-01 cable kit
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